October 26, 2009

Breaking News: Harry Reid announces Senate Bill will include Public Option

Fifteen minutes ago, in a press conference, Harry Reid (D-NV)announced that through compromise the Senate Health Reform Bill will include the Public Option. He states that the public option would include an "opt-out" clause. Meaning, that any state that does not wish to participate in the public option can opt out.

As of now, it seems both the House and Senate will both be pushing for the public option.

October 22, 2009

BGNE Workshop: November 4th, 2009

As an employer, you know the true cost of insurance.
      The premiums are high, and the premiums are increasing. 
        Will health care reform slow down these costs?


Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Location:  Green Mountain Business Expo at the Stoweflake Resort and Spa
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 AM EDT

Part 1: Consumer-Driven Health Plans
·         What is a personal care account? What is difference between an HRA and an HSA?
·         What are the pros and cons of a consumer-driven health plan?
·         Are the savings real? Review case studies of actual Vermont employers who has successfully placed consumer-driven health plans?
·         Learn the mistakes to avoid in a consumer-driven health plan.
·         Learn how wellness and consumer-driven health plans work together.
Part II: Health Care Reform – What Every Employer Should Know
Small business will see significant changes to their health plans under the proposed health care reforms.
·         The mandates for coverage will apply to all individuals, and could apply to most small businesses.
·         Exchanges, Income-based Tax Credits, & Premium Subsidies will change the way insurance is purchased.
·         Income-based out-of-pocket will affect benefits and premiums.
·         How does this affect your business?  What does it mean to your business model?

October 20, 2009

Health Care Reform Webinar Part II

Our first webinar was attended by dozens of employers, and we have been asked for another webinar. So here it is!

Health Care Reform Part II: 
Mandates  and Subsidies

In this next webinar, we will further explain the following:

  • Mandates for individual and employer-provided health insurance coverage
  •  Subsidies for small group employers and individuals
  •  Eligibility for the subsidies
  • Out-of-Pocket levels as they related to income
  • Minimum benefit levels

Date: Thursday, November 5, 2009
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

The health care reform bills being debated in the Congress:
·         Create “exchanges” the sale of health insurance to individuals & small business
·         Create federal subsidies for the purchase of health insurance within the “exchanges”
·         Base the cost of insurance on income for individuals =<400% of poverty level
·         Base the health plan out-of-pocket levels on income for individuals =<400% of poverty level
·         Implement mandates for coverage with penalties for individuals and/or employers
·         Potentially create new taxes on benefits based on premiums and income levels
·         Potentially change the limits on FSA/HSA accounts
·         And much more

October 6, 2009

October 2009 issue of Benefits Selling Magazine; BGNE and Robert Gaydos Cover Story

Don't Call Him a Broker

Robert Gaydos – and his agency, Benefit Group of New England – are about much more than pushing products onto employers.
It’s right there in his company’s mission statement: “BGNE has been providing long-term cost containment strategies, consumer-centric health care plans, and member health advocacy programs to small and mid-sized employers for the last two decades.”.....