March 10, 2010

Are Emotions Getting in the Way?

The President has been on the campaign trail as of late trying to convince Americans to come on board with his health care reform agenda. During each of his latest speeches he is telling America he does not know how it will play politically, but he knows it's the right thing to do.  This seems to be his final pitch, "pass the bill because it's the right thing."

While we all want more Americans to have affordable health insurance our endgame for passing a bill cannot be based on emotions.  It's true, legislation usually begins with emotional force. Politicians want to fix something that is broken or to "do what is right" for Americans. However, once they are in the stages of forming and passing legislation, politicians need to check their emotions at the door.

First and foremost legislation has to be functional and affordable.

Nancy Pelosi said just the other day, "we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it."  Now, that seems to be all backwards.  Shouldn't we know what is in the bill before we pass it? Of course we should.  However, emotions have become front and center in this debate.  I'm afraid we will never get a bill that will curb costs and help those without insurance unless politicians stop being emotional and look at legislation objectively.

Begin legislation with emotions, end with reason.

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